Ambassador Programme Arc4Health

Why become an Ambassador?

Love the ARC? Help us spread the word and join our ARC Ambassador programme. 

We are looking for passionate, dedicated individuals who are well respected by their community to promote our products and share our core values. We believe everyone should know why the ArcEquine and Arc4Health devices are essential tools for pain management and tissue repair for both horses and humans… and that’s where you come in! Your role would be to promote our company’s values and educate the broader public on the benefits of microcurrent technology.

If your application is successful, you will be set up with a unique discount code. This will give the customer a discount when purchasing and you a commission for every complete kit sold using your code. Monthly commissions will then be paid directly into your bank account. 

Exceptional performance from ambassadors will be rewarded with our sales incentive programme.

Here at ARC Microtech we pride ourselves on our customer service and the high standard of guidance we offer to all those that promote our devices. Support will be offered to any individual in need of assistance and ambassadors will be regularly updated with relevant information as it is released to keep them at the top of their game. We have a dedicated Facebook page, ready to answer any questions or concerns should you have them!

Please note: Any applications from individuals with a history of disrespectful or insensitive behaviour using any social media platform will not be considered for this role.

What would an Ambassador role involve?

We believe it is important than anyone promoting our products have seen first hand the results and believe in our product as much as we do. Because of this we only accept ambassadors that have used our products or seen our products being used, any potential ambassadors that have not previously used an ARC will be required to do so for at least 8 weeks prior to being signed up.

We require our ambassadors to spread the word about ARC products in their local/social community and to demonstrate the following characteristics: 

  • Accurately reflect the values and personality of our brand so that prospective customers understand the purpose of ARC.
  • To understand the importance of using the products correctly, being mindful of the company’s core values. Guidance will be provided.
  • Individuals with a friendly and approachable manner with a passion for our products and the results they achieve.

Whether you are a physiotherapist, riding instructor or a personal trainer, being in the centre of such communities would mean…

  • You will be expected to promote the ARC product within your community. Whether that’s the stables, the gym or perhaps even both, depending on your decision to promote the ArcEquine, the Arc4Health or both!
  • To use your social media platforms and website to promote ARC by creating original content, imagery, videos, stories and more.
  • Liking and sharing official ARC content onto your own social media accounts.

With great power comes great responsibility. Any ambassador that proves troublesome or contravenes company values will have their ambassadorship terminated with immediate effect. Whether this is on personal social media accounts, offline or where individuals fail to meet the expectations of the programme or negatively represent ARC or it’s partners. This termination will include the loss of programme benefits and the return of any ARC branded items you have been provided with.

Ready to apply? Fill out the form below, we will review your application and a member of the team will be in touch!

Have any questions? Email us at


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