Case Studies

Many thousands of horses have used the ArcEquine since its launch in 2012. Microcurrent therapy is widely used to help reduce inflammation and facilitate tissue repair. Owners have successfully used the ArcEquine to help alleviate the severity of inflammation-based conditions – laminitis, navicular, arthritis, etc., as well as tissue damage – holes and partial ruptures to tendons and ligaments, and traumatic wounds.

Please have a read through of other people’s experience of using the ArcEquine, with more case studies added regularly! There have been many instances of horses that have been written off having sustained career-ending and even life-ending injuries, back competing again at the highest level. We hope you find these useful, if you have any questions, please do contact us (

If you have your own experiences of using the ArcEquine, we would love to hear your stories. Please click here to submit your own case study.

I purchased my Arc Equine when I got my 11 yr old TB. He had a habit of trailing his RH to the extent he squared off his toe. After speaking to my trainer and then ARC themselves, who are incredibly knowledgeable & helpful, I went ahead and made the investment. Within the 2nd week…


Having polo ponies that were ageing I was always looking for an addition aid to keeping them fit and healthy, aside from their start and end of season massages and chiropractic work in between. I have one pony who is now 35 and still going strong – no longer playing polo of course! Being a…


My mare Gigi whom my trainer and I use for Dressage and Working Equitation, had been expressing pain by holding her tail to the left. It was becoming more pronounced. Her right canter was unbalanced. Someone suggested I use Arc Equine on Gigi. I am a retired Medical Technologist. So, I read about back injuries…


We were first introduced to ArcEquine in 2014 when my mum brought one to Australia to use on our eventers. A friend highly recomended it after benefiting from it greatly herself, so we gave it ago. We absolutely love the results we see in not only in our horses but also ourselves! Both the horses…


An outstanding life saving piece of kit. I brought this to try on a horse who was leaving NH racing with a blown tendon, the hole in his tendon was clear on scans done in Jul 16, he had damaged the same tendon a year before and unfortunately had been fired with unsurprisingly no success….


I have been using it on my now 18 year old pony who has DJD. I use it every week and feel that it has helped him tremendously, I have not had his hocks injected again since using the ArcEquine.


My horse was diagnosed with chronic Laminitis due to EMS, he literally couldn’t walk. He’s been on box rest for nearly 4 months now 2 lots of xrays diagnosis laminitis with pedal bone rotation, it was so painful he was on 2 bute am and 2 bute pm, it was literally touch and go. I…


Thé Arc was used to treat a DDT injury. Taz was seen by a new vet in October as we switched practices. When she saw Taz she was surprised that she was so far ahead in her rehabilitation, she expected a completely different picture from reading her notes.


My horse was involved in a terrible road traffic accident which resulted in severe muscle atrophy in the shoulder/chest area, a severed bicipital tendon and a fractured sternum. Silidan has made a great recovery over the 3 year period but I wanted to see if there was more that could be done particularly for the…


Highly recommend the ArcEquine! A few months ago my 19 year old showjumper was really stiff and some days looked quite lame behind, I was thinking I would have to retire him. I had ordered him a joint supplement to try but I’m happy to say it’s not even been opened! I started using the…