Training Policy


This company is committed to employing the right people with the right skills for the duties that they are required to undertake. Where necessary, we will arrange or provide training to ensure that staff are competent and confident to carry out their work responsibilities.

This policy outlines the responsibilities of the company towards its employees and the training that will be provided, as well as the responsibilities of employees who are undertaking training. Individual circumstances vary and it is possible that not all training needs will be met by this policy. If you are unsure how the policy might work in your situation, please seek advice from your Manager.

The company maintains records of all training undertaken by those who work here, including training provided by the company (in whole or in part) and, wherever possible, training undertaken independently. This helps us to identify all the skills available within the company, and when a training update may be required and where skills may be lacking (and, therefore, when further training may be required).

New Recruits

All new recruits to the organisation, are required to complete induction training. The induction programme aims to equip all new recruits with an understanding of:

  • The company and the general day-to-day systems that are in place;
  • Procedures specific to the role of the new employee;
  • Essential health and safety requirements, including the procedures for foreseeable emergencies;
  • The confidentiality of company information; and
  • Other formal policies.

The induction programme is reviewed regularly and updated in line with current requirements. Induction training may take place over a period of time depending on the nature of the post and the existing skills of the new recruit.

Identifying Training Needs

Individual and company-wide training needs are identified and assessed on a continual basis.

Training may be required to meet the specific needs of an individual (usually arising from an annual appraisal), for a group of individuals or for the company as a whole.

In-House Training

Training should improve or update knowledge and skills. Anyone participating in training must do so fully and make their best effort to complete the training successfully.

Any in-house training will normally take place during working hours, wherever possible. When required, all staff are expected to attend these training sessions. Non-attendance at training may be a disciplinary matter.

External Courses

The majority of further education courses available offer a number of attendance options (i.e. evenings, afternoon/evening, day release, open learning). You are strongly encouraged to choose an evening option where this is available to ensure that there is the least disruption to your working hours, the work of your department and to your colleagues.

If it is agreed that you can attend the course during you normal working hours then you should discuss with your manager whether there is an opportunity to make up those hours or if payment for the hours not worked is to be deducted from your salary.

Training Fees

In-house training provided by other members of the organisation and training provided for the whole organisation will not incur any costs to employees.

Fees may be payable for training provided by external trainers or external courses. The organisation may agree to pay the necessary tuition fees, examination fees plus the cost of one re-sit and books in full or in part, depending on individual circumstances. The amount paid by the organisation may be recovered from the employee if the employee fails to complete the training course, or the employment contract is terminated (by either party) within 12 months of completing the training. Where the company agrees to fund or contribute towards the cost of any training a separate training agreement will be issued.

Study Leave

You may be granted up to a maximum of two days paid study leave at your Manager’s discretion to cover revision periods and examinations. You should notify your Manager of such dates as soon as possible in order that cover can be arranged well in advance.

Personal Development

Individuals may identify other training in which they wish to participate and can request support from the company. Each request will be considered on its own merits. If the training is essential to the requirements of the employee’s job, the company may agree to provide support (in whole or in part), subject to the above conditions of participation and fees. Where training is identified by the employee but is not regarded by the company as essential to the requirements of the employee’s job, the company may, at its discretion, contribute towards fees or allow time off for the course, but is under no obligation to do so. All requests for non-essential training will be considered on an individual basis.

Use of Company Equipment/Resources

Where necessary, you will be granted permission to utilise company equipment (i.e. computers, photocopiers) where this does not impinge on your own workload and the smooth running of the company. You must discuss your needs with your Manager in advance.