In the Press

Balance of Power

HEALING POWER Microcurrent therapy delivered via a small ArcEquine device is leading to incredible results in horses, from the management of equine pain-related conditions to enhanced recovery following tissue damage ARCEQUINE, AN EQUINE microcurrent device, is popular with thousands of horse owners and riders, including elite equestrians and members of Olympic teams worldwide, who rely…

The healing power of microcurrent

FROM THE ARCHIVES. Whilst having a clean up at the ARC Offices, we came across this article from 08/04/2015. We thought we would put it up as a blast from the past and to see how far we have come. The ArcEquine unit was this month chosen as one of the best 20 inventions and…

“How ArcEquine can help Laminitis”

“Although there is no permanent ‘cure’ to laminitis, Microcurrent Therapy has an outstanding track record of reducing inflammation and when used in conjunction with healthy diet and proper hoof maintenance, it can dramatically accelerate healing times.”

The Equestrian Index

“Boost Healing, Manage Pain & Have a Happier Horse with ArcEquine”

“ArcEquine have created the world’s smallest microcurrent therapy device specifically for use with equines, to promote tissue repair and assist with pain management. Microcurrent therapy is a completely non-invasive and drug-free treatment used by leading riders and trainers around the world for the prevention and cure of equine sports injuries.”