Active Injuries & Tissue Repair

Aches, injury, pains, pulls, sprains, swelling, irritation, stresses and strains.

It never seems to stop. Perhaps the question we should really be asking is ‘what can we stop from starting?’.

People tend to buy an Arc4Health for a particular, obvious injury, and while we do appreciate this, it slightly misses both the point of Microcurrent therapy and where the real power of our devices lies. Which is everywhere.

Microcurrent has a systemic effect, which means the effect is felt throughout the entire body, and not just a specific part of it. Wherever there is a deficit of Adenosine Triphosphate within the cells (ATP) there is also some form of injury or trauma present.

ATP is the energy-providing molecule required for all metabolic cellular processes and is essential for pain management and tissue repair.

When tissue is repaired, inflammation is reduced. And inflammation is how the body perceives pain.

You may be using Arc4Health for a particular reason, but at the same time, it could be helping your body treat a micro tear you’re unaware of – yet.

Arc4Health produces over 4.2 million pulses of microcurrent per treatment, at a similar power to your body’s own bio-currents. The treatment aims to support the body’s natural repair process and to help the regeneration of ATP which then provides the energy required to reduce inflammation. This leads to faster pain management and tissue repair.

Simply put, the sooner the body can start a repair, the sooner it can finish. Also, when an injury is repaired faster, there is less chance of recurrence because the body is working with softer tissue so the repair can be stronger.

Our customers know exactly why they buy an Arc4Health, but quickly learn why they continue to use it so frequently once they’ve seen what else it can do.


  1. Chang N, Van Hoff H, Bockx E, et al. (1982). The effect of electric currents on ATP generation, protein synthesis, and membrane transport in rat skin. Clinical Orthopaedics, 171, 264-72.
  2. Bailey, S. (1999). How microcurrent stimulation produces ATP – One mechanism. Dynamic Chiropractic, 17 (18), 6.
  3. Poltawski, L. and Watson, T. (2009). Bioelectricity and microcurrent therapy for tissue healing – a narrative review. Physical Therapy Reviews, 14(2), 104-114.